INDUSTRY: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Azito Thermal Power Plant

Company: Azito Energie

Size: Original output at commissioning 288MW simple cycle

Construction: Project Construcion


Operating since 1999 & Expanded in 2015



Project Overveiw:

Key Facts: Commissioned in 2000

Value USD 675MM

Brief Facts Azito one of the first ever PPP’s in Africa. It provides power using Côte d’Ivoire’s natural gas endowment.

Azito is an environmentally friendly technology. The power plant is one of the most powerful, modern and efficient power plants in West Africa. It has been successful on all accounts, reliably providing low-cost base load with high-availability power while efficiently using Côte d’Ivoire’s natural gas endowment. It has paved the way for similar projects and is a model to replicate, as well as further evidence of the significant role the private sector can play in the development of infrastructure projects in Africa in order to bridge the continent’s infrastructure gap. This project has since been upgraded into a combined cycle with an output of 430MW.
